Sunday 26 October 2014

Moment of faith.

I felt it. I felt the moment where my faith was so proud. So divine. It made everything worth it. My faith had quivered and it took that moment to make me realize the power of Allah. The power of my Imam. Tears sprung to my eyes. I was astounded. I was so proud. That my prayer was answered. That my faith was real. I have always thought of myself as an optimistic person. But this was different. I can see things working out. I can see the winds changing. I can feel them change. I can see darkness too at places. But I feel it's a matter of focus. One can choose to look at the bright side and blur out the dark. Or one can just concentrate on the dark and weep about it. And one can smile. Be happy that He is ever listening. That He hears even the prayers that you don't voice. The ones you keep in your heart. That He loves you unconditionally like no one else can. All one needs is a bit of faith. Something to hold on to. Something that tells you even in pitch darkness that you are not alone. You are protected. You are loved. 
That moment made me look at the entire world with a different perspective. Everything is so beautiful. People just need perspective. People just need that moment. 

Feb 10th '13

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